An En Plein Air study in acrylics of a view over one of the lakes at Woodland Water, Ancaster on a warm summer's day as I fought off the insects. 20" x 16" on canvas board
Couldn't resist painting this beautiful view across the fields near Woodland Waters, Ancaster a few miles outside Sleaford. I was captivated by the shadows cast on the fields by the clouds in the bright sunshine and the amazing cloud formations. (20" x 16" acrylics on canvas board). Hope you like it :)
Acrylics on canvas board - 20" x 16". Study looking onto Carre Street in Sleaford from the river. Partly literal and partly symbolic.
A panoramic study in acrylic of Sleaford showing St Denys' Church. 20" x 30" on canvas board, using brushes and painting knives.
A self-indulgent painting of the River Slea just along from Cogglesford Mill in all its glory in bright sunshine. I couldn't resist the lush vegetation, the trees heavy with new leaves and the seductive reflections on the surface of the water. - 20" x 16"
An acrylic study on canvas board 20" x 16" - April 2019
This is an acrylic study 16" x 12" showing a view southwards hrough the Bristol Arcade in Sleaford. Painted in acrylics on canvas board.
An acrylic study, 20" x 16", of a view looking north along Southgate in Sleaford. Painted on canvas board, completed February 2019. SOLD
A view along the river Slea, near the centre of the town, painted in acrylics on canvas board 20" x 16"
A view of Sleaford Sainsbury's at night in acrylics on canvas board 20" x 16". It continues the theme of depicting mundane subjects that might not normally be considered to be 'picturesque' although they have striking visual qualities in their own right. This is inspired by Edward Hopper's 'Nighthawks'.
An acrylic study on canvas board 20" x 16" - March 2019
An acrylic study on canvas board of this enchanting, tiny wooded area located just off London Road in Sleaford. 20" x 16".
This study shows the huge, now derelict, 'Bass Maltings' just outside Sleaford, lit by afternoon sunshine. Acrylics on 20" x 16" canvas board. Hope you like it :)
This is a painting of the courtyard outside Millers Restaurant in Sleaford. I've tried to catch the effect of the bright sunlight light in the background contrasting with the darker shaded areas of the foreground, using the bicycle as a focal point. Acrylics on canvas board. 20" x 16"
An acrylic painting on canvas board (20" x 14") of a scene next to the river in Sleaford. Coming back to my obsession with sunlight and the natural world. Wanted the single figure to be anonymous but universal, representative of all people. Tried to capture the sense of solitude and immersion in one's own thoughts.
Next to the path where I walk my dogs each day an exquisite group of poppies clings to the verge, defying the traffic and punctuating the roadside vista. I wanted to include the context (the lamppost and roadside) along with the gorgeous natural forms to emphasise the uneasy coexistence of the manmade elements of our world, remorselessly continuing to overwhelm the fragile beauty of the natural world represented by our often overlooked wild flowers. This is an acrylic painting 20" x 14"
I've developed the idea of night-time imagery that I started looking at in my painting of Sainsbury's. This is a painting of Sleaford West Level Crossing at night. 20" x 16" in acrylics. Tried to capture the glare of the lights, the shadows stretching across the road and the sense of isolation.